Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Walmart Mini Haul

I purchased these few products I needed and wanted to try. I will be posting pics and my personal thoughts on the products soon. If you have used any of these products in different ways. I would love to know how. Share your thoughts and creative ways...Enjoy your weekend!




Anonymous said...

nice lil haul, i love those shadow tattoos

TheBeautyTherapy83 said...

I want the pink one I forgot the name of the maybelline tattoo shadows. I need to take pics of the ones I have already. I really enjoy Maybelline products. Thanks for stoping by!

Nikk <3

LauraMck said...

I haven't tried the Maybelline tatoo eyeshadows yet.. I've heard such good things xx

TheBeautyTherapy83 said...

You should they are amazing! @lauraMck thanks for stopping by. I just joined your blog hope to see more of your blogs.


Unknown said...

Great Haul. I really like that Maybelline concealer.

sadee said...

lovely haul i love cosmetics
awsome post you have very intresting blog
follow back please
♥ SadeeStyle ♥

TheBeautyTherapy83 said...

Hi Jasmine! Thanks for stopping by... I just tried it yesterday and was a lil unsure I brought it in neutralizer so lets see.

@Sadeestyle Thanks for stopping in I will definitely check out your page.

Enjoy your sunday Ladies

